
Art & Design

At Trinity drawing is a fundamental part of art and students are encouraged to continue developing their observational awareness skills by exploring with a range of primary and secondary sources as they progress through the curriculum. Our students are able to acknowledge the key characteristics of the sources studied, demonstrating their understanding of the formal elements and how this is applied. They are taught to become proficient with a range of media, materials and techniques; drawing, painting and sculpture are fundamental elements of the exploration process. They then continue to develop their confidence with the handling and execution of the tools used, making informed decisions to support the refinement of their ideas.

Through key stage 3 students are introduced to a range of artists, craft makers and designers to understand the cultural and historical contexts of artworks. They use this as a starting point to respond to the images, artefacts and cultures studied. Students will be able to recognise and explain the key characteristics of the work and will be able to present, record and develop creative responses to these. They will demonstrate where ideas have come from and how they have evolved, demonstrating minor changes and alterations with images, scale, background and content to visually demonstrate the decision-making process. Each project is designed to consolidate their learning. Important within this is the development of their artist vocabulary, using key terminology to explain and evaluate their work, reflecting on their and others performance.  They will be able to analyse the work of other artists, understanding the history, context and meaning of the works.

By the end of year 11 students demonstrate how sources are used to inspire the development of ideas and are able to demonstrate key characteristics and approaches of artists, periods and cultures, they are able to understand ways in which meanings, ideas and intentions can be communicated through visual language, using the formal elements. They are able to demonstrate the properties of a range of materials and techniques, refining their ideas as work progresses through experimenting with media, materials, techniques and processes to fulfil their creative intentions. Students create a personal portfolio of work made up of a variety of projects and themes. Their art work demonstrates their knowledge, understanding and skills learnt throughout the GCSE course, by presenting a variety of personal responses to the themes.

Students have the opportunity to study Art, Craft & Design and Graphics at A Level. Each course is made up of three major elements in Component 1: supporting studies, practical work, and a personal study + Component 2: the externally set assignment. This is evidenced through a portfolio of work which presents a variety of work based on personal starting points, including responses to critical and contextual sources such as the work of other artists or photographers. Students will show refinement when using a range of materials and techniques, present ideas and their development leading to a range of final responses. The personal study is an essay between 1000-3000 words of continuous prose about their chosen area of study, communicating critical understanding, contextual research and integrated images.

SEND and Art at Trinity

At Trinity it is an expectation that all lessons and wider resourcing has effective provision for students with SEND so that they are able to make equal progress to their peers. SEND data is analysed and used to inform planning and interventions where necessary.

In Art all teachers consider the needs of SEND students in three ways.

Firstly teachers consider a ‘seating check’ in Art this means students sit in the most appropriate place based on their specific needs.  

Secondly all resources are checked to ensure they are SEND friendly. In Art this means that worksheets are adapted including step by step drawings. The curriculum is sequenced clearly so all students can build their artistic skills over time.

Finally the way Art is implemented is at Trinity ensures all SEND students can make progress. This means they can fulfil their artistic potential by using their chosen art material to express their creativity fully.

Curriculum Road Map

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