
Sixth Form Life

"Pupils play a highly positive role in supporting the school community. They value opportunities to take on leadership roles and develop their confidence in public speaking."


As part of Sixth Form life there are opportunities to take on leadership roles through mentoring, running clubs and as part of the Prefect team.  The Head Girl, Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl & Deputy Head Boy are selected at Easter during Year 12 to allow the current Year 13 team to focus on their final exams.  Students in these positions lead the prefect team and meet regularly with staff and the school leadership team to forge a vital link between the student body and staff.  They have a high profile role, visiting and talking with lower school tutor groups and representing the school meeting with external visitors.  The current team leaders are;


Head Girl & Head Boy       
Holly Lewis and George Booth 

Holly and George (1)


Deputy Head Girls

Tianna Krempaska and Connie Horley  

Tianna and Connie

Deputy Head Boys

Charlie Marks and Jamie Mottram

Charlie Jamie (1)


Sixth Form Main Calendar







  • ‘Vision’ development for students
  • ‘Effort’ – what is it and how to apply it effectively
  • Celebrating Diversity and Equality
  • Staying safe online and offline
  • Introduction to Study Skills
  • EPQ Launch
  • Welcome to Y12 Parents event
  • Y12 Parents Evening
  • Target Setting
  • Oxbridge Launch
  • Volunteering/Leadership Opportunities
  • University Visits/Employer Talks


  • Mid-Year assessments
  • 'Systems’ – what are they and how to adopt them effectively
  • Life Beyond school
  • HE Information/Futures Evening
  • Careers (CEIAG) Interviews
  • University Visits/Employer Talks
  • Work Experience
  • EPQ mid-project review
  • Prefect Team interviewed and appointed
  • UCAS process starts in term 3
  • End of Year exams
  • ‘Practice’ – the right type of practice that suits you
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Parents support/information evening
  • Y12 Parents Evening
  • End of Year exams term 6
  • University Open Days
  • EPQ Support
  • University Visits/Employer Talks
  • Off-site team building trip
  • Mock Interviews with local business
  • Road Safety Education Trip
  • First draft of UCAS application ready
  • Work Experience


  • ‘Attitude’ – to succeed
  • Life Beyond School
  • Staying safe online and offline
  • Starting Y13 – how to get the most out of the year (Parents and students)
  • UCAS Applications sent
  • CEIAG Interviews Oxford/Med Interviews Support
  • Y13 International Trip
  • PPE preparation and intervention
  • Post Y13 Finance
  • Relationships education
  • Health & wellbeing
  • Parents Evening
  • PPEs
  • CEIAG Interviews
  • Final Exams preparation, planning and intervention
  • BTEC/CTEC coursework deadline
  • Prefect Team step down
  • Revision support and intervention
  • Results and Post Results Support
  • Y13 Prom


A Typical Year 12 Day

This video explains what a typical day in Sixth Form is like.

A typical day of a Year 12 student


6th form logo

Thrive Not Survive 

Our Sixth Form students will be encouraged to become confident, intellectually-curious, independent thinkers and life-long learners.  Our dedicated tutorial programme will support students during their time in the sixth form and also prepare them for life after Trinity. 

Over the course of their time in the sixth form, students will receive support and guidance that covers five broad themes: Well-Being; Money Management, University and Careers; Work and Leadership.

Well-Being Money Management      University and Careers                   Work                    Leadership             
  • Consent
  • Road safety and driving
  • Healthy living
  • Drugs and alcohol
  • Types of bank account
  • Loans and savings
  • Budgeting
  • Pensions
  • Mortgages
  • Money pitfalls e.g. payday loans, pawning, rent to buy
  • Careers evenings
  • Oxbridge evening
  • University evenings for parents
  • How to apply and use UCAS
  • Trips to open days
  • Writing the personal statement
  • Understanding university finance
  • Transition to university day
  • Public speaking
  • CV writing
  • Interview techniques
  • Debating
  • Work shadowing
  • Head Boy / Girl
  • Prefects
  • House Captains
  • Mentoring
  • Societies
  • Politics
  • Lectures
  • Current affairs


Work Experience

During terms 5 and 6 students are encouraged to seek work experience placements whether in blocks of time or smaller placements across the term.  We believe this is essential in providing students with the depth of knowledge needed to write excellent applications to universities or apprenticeships/jobs. 

Upon returning to school, students in year 12 reflect on their week and give feedback on their experience. 

See our page gallery for a view into their work experience.

Words they used to describe their week are shown in the wordle below.

Sixth form life_wordie


Our Sixth Form also provides our students with the following benefits and opportunities:

Sixth Form Agreements

Here is a comprehensive guide to life in Sixth Form;

Trinity School Sixth Form A-Z Agreement

Dress Code 

Trinity School Sixth Form Student Code of Conduct

Trinity School Sixth Form Plagiarism Policy

Trinity Sixth Form Driving To School Agreement

Trinity Sixth Form Change of Subject Form

We ask that students respect our school's Sixth Form Agreement and once all of the above policies have been read and understood students sign the Sixth Form Agreement:

Trinity School Sixth Form Agreement


Friday Lectures

Our Friday lecture programme is designed to widen the students perspectives of the world they live in, and to help them to understand more clearly the role they have in it.

Previous speakers have included

  • Lord Jonathan Evans KCB – Retired Director General of MI5 – “Protecting National Security”
  • Ian Watmore – First Civil Service Commissioner – “Business and Politics of Sport”
  • William Alexander – Caste Farm, Kent – “Food, Farming and the Future”
  • Katharine Hill – UK Director, Care for the Family – “Real Relationships”​
  • Daheun Chae  - Assistant Director UBS – “Doing good or making money?”
  • Tony Clayton – Local Councillor – “Economics and the world"
  • Fiona Spargo-Mabbs – Founder of Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation & Daniel’s Mum – “Making better choices”
  • Colin Ullman-Jones – Retired Chief Superintendent of Kent Police -  “Should police officers carry firearms?"
  • Rachel Hann – Lecturer in Scenography (GSA) & Deputy Associate Dean, Doctoral College, The University of Surrey - "Costume and the impact of what we wear”
  • Bob Bowie –Faculty Director of National Institute for Christian Education Research – “Finding you place at the show: reality, story, imagination and faith.”
  • Francis Osei-Appiah – Founder Reform Restore Respect – “The importance and power of education.”
  • Melissa Case- Deputy Director, The Department of Justice  – “Justice and Policy”
  • Jenny Langley – Coach at the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust -  “Wellbeing and Mental Health”


Sport is an important part of the Sixth Form at Trinity School.  Time for this will be blocked out on their timetables to enable students to keep fit and active and for our sports teams to take part in fixtures against other schools. Wednesday afternoons are timetabled for Sixth Form students to organise, set up and run sporting activities for the lower school with support from the PE department.


Serving others is a key part of the Trinity ethos.  Students in the Sixth Form will be supported to find service placements within the school and external communities.  Already we have a number of students in the Sixth Form engaged in service.  This includes leading clubs and teams, helping at a mother and toddler group at a local church and volunteering for local charities.

The Mayor visits Trinity's Creation Care 'Growing Hope' Garden. Wednesday 12th May. 

Councillor Dr Merilyn Canet Sevenoaks Mayor visited Trinity's newly established 'Growing Hope' Garden which supports the Sevenoaks Town Council's 'Give it a Grow' initiative on Wednesday.  

The Growing Hope Garden aims to educate students on climate change through growing organic vegetables as well as learn how climate change affects poorer nations. Our Creation Care Assistants and Zoological Assistants were keen to share their knowledge with The Mayor. The Growing Hope Garden is also part of Trinity's Service Programme and provides a quiet place for students and staff to appreciate the healing benefits of growing vegetables in the great outdoors! 

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